
List of Scamming Websites, Jazz Cash & EasyPaisa Frauds 2022 - TTS

Scam Awareness Campaign 2022 for Users, Check the list of Scamming Website, Scams, and Fake Websites. Jazz Cash and EasyPaisa Frauds. Please Report Online fraud & Scams here to help others.  

stealing money from the user through website scam
Be Aware of Scams, Scam Alert!!!


Way of Scam:

It seems a little suspicious at the start. Firstly it was supposed to be withdrawn instantly any dollar earned, only to my first surprise that 150$ can be withdrawn only. I tried to withdraw 150$, to my second surprise, it says you should have 40 referrals. Tried to buy referrals that were supposed to be credited in 5 minutes couldn't get them yet after an hour. The scam part was it asked me to purchase a bitcoin of 10$. I contacted support with a little anger questioning this scam activity and I was provided appropriate reason and the referrals were credited.  

Actual Scam:

But then started the actual scam, when I tried to withdraw this time the system says your account is not approved and for verification, in 3-5 minutes you have to buy a bitcoin for 10$ only and provided the link and all the information required to pay. I visited the site after a few days only to know that my account was deleted because of inactivity.

You can understand how much time and hard work it takes to get to 100+ referrals and 950+ dollars. However, I didn't lose hope and vowed to get this site on the scam list to get people aware of this scam. This way I feel my hard work will be paid off.


Way of Scam:

It seems like from the same scamming parent as above, same interface, not tested though. If unfortunately, anyone has gone through share your experience in the comments below.  

Actual Scam:

It seems like from the same scamming parent as above, same interface, not tested though. If unfortunately, anyone has gone through this share your experience in the comments below.


Way of Scam:

It seems like from the same scamming parent as above, exactly the same interface, not tested though. If unfortunately, anyone has gone through share your experience in the comments below.  

Actual Scam:

It seems like from the same scamming parent as above, same interface, not tested though. If unfortunately, anyone has gone through this share your experience in the comments below.

Other Types of Frauds / Scams :


Jazz Cash Fraud: Jazz Cash is not a Fraud, Scammers are using Jazz Cash as a tool for Scamming. 

Way of Scam & Actual Scam:

I got a call a few days back from 0302-1450134 asking for my Jazz Cash credentials in order to activate my account saying that due to some issues in the system Jazz Cash accounts have been blocked. I was lucky not to get trapped in this because my prompt senses stopped me from sharing any sensitive information with these Scammers. If unfortunately, anyone has gone through this share your experience in the comments below.


Another Way of Fraud Using Jazz Cash:

message is displayed which is sent by the scammer
Scammers using Jazz Cash for Scamming

I got this message and soon afterward a call from the scammer, luckily I was sleeping at that time but a similar message was received by my friend which explained that the caller introduced himself as Jazz Cash shop owner and further says that you have mistakenly received the payment through Jazz Cash, kindly revert the payment back as soon as possible.

The message is identical to the original message sent by Jazz Cash, beware the only difference is the number from which is being sent, its mobile number, and not the original Jazz Cash number which is 8558.


ATM Card Blocking Scam:

message is displayed which is sent by the scammer to unblock blocked ATM Card

This is yet another way of scamming which is on high these days and many innocent people are getting deprived of their valuables. As we are already aware that State Bank has blocked old-age ATM Cards and asked people to get new ATM Cards with sims and in some cases asked people to visit the bank branch and verify the thumb impression as well.
Scammers are taking advantage of it to trap innocent people. As you see in the SMS clearly the scammer is first of all informing you that your ATM Card is blocked by the State Bank and you need to verify it for this purpose, you need to call on the provided number. 
Once you call you will be asked to provide the ATM card credentials and other sensitive information. In this way, you are scammed and your secret information is leaked to them and the scammers get access to your Bank Account & ATM Card.  

How to Protect Yourself:

First of all, you need to take a look closely at which number this message is being sent to. In this case, it's a mobile number and banks don't use these types of numbers. 
Secondly the text of the message, as this scammer I believe is illiterate because there are spelling errors for example "Cal".
If you didn't smell anything bad in both (Number & Text) and sound like a genuine bank call center even then you are not supposed to provide sensitive information. Make this your habit as the credentials are not there to leak and no bank in any part of the world would ask for credentials from their customers. Even banks every now and then inform customers to not provide sensitive information to anyone not even to their representatives.


EasyPaisa Fraud: EasyPaisa is not a Fraud, Scammers are using EasyPaisa as a tool for Scamming. 

Way of Scam & Actual Scam:

I got a call from 0334-6502862. A person asking if I want to save my EasyPaisa mobile account from getting blocked. A guy who is a frequent user of EasyPaisa and has credit in it how can he say no? I bluntly said "Yes". Then the next sentence I heard was, I am resetting your pin and you will get a 6 digit OTP / Code. Pls, check have you got it? 

I have checked and confirmed the received message. He asked me to provide the OTP. I smelled something fishy because first of all the calling number was generic and some time ago I had faced a similar sort of JazzCash Fraud but this time the OTP came from 3737.

People using the EasyPaisa mobile account know that it's EasyPaisa's Official server number. I was in two minds and suddenly he dropped the call and called again. This time he seems to be in a little hurry. I delayed further and he started abusing and dropped the call. I checked my EasyPaisa mobile account immediately and there's was no issue with it to date.  

I was lucky again not to get trapped this time in EasyPaisa Fraud. If unfortunately, anyone of you has gone through this share your experience in the comments below.

fraud message is displayed which is sent by the EasyPaisa scammer
EasyPaisa Mobile Account Fraud Message

Want to help Others:

Follow us for updates. This Scam List will be regularly updated as soon as some scam is spotted or reported. You are also welcome to report any scams and fake websites that you have unfortunately been the victim of and their way of Scamming. I will publish a short note hereafter verification. You can comment below for this purpose. This will help people become aware of the tips and tricks used by these website scammers.

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